Sunday, April 3, 2011

Walking and Talking

LO started walking this week!  It began with standing without holding onto anything, then progressed to a few steps and now she's unstoppable.  She falls a lot, but she just gets right back up and goes!  Today we went to the park where the grass was kind of high and kept tripping her up.  Every time, she got right back up and went as fast as she could toward the big kids kicking a soccer ball, shouting "Baw!"

New vocab this week includes:
Where de key? (I swear)
Where dat?
Yo-ur (yogurt)
Doowr (door)
Puh (her beloved cereal puffs)
Nana (banana)
Poon (spoon)

What a week!

1 comment:

  1. By the look on her face, we can see that Sienna is enjoying her newfound upright freedom! You go girl!! (and Mommy too.....)
