Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Rocker Dad

My husband graciously kept LO all weekend while I attended a seminar on comedy.  Yes, an entire weekend devoted to studying how to write funny.  It was inspiring and mind boggling.  While we watched and analyzed Seinfeld clips, I struggled to keep my mind from wandering to the topic of how to discipline a 9 month old.  She has taken to screaming at an octave that sends animals scattering.  It's mostly to get attention or to express her displeasure with not being able to do what she pleases.  All I know is that it cannot continue.

So I worried all weekend about DH having to endure this on his own.  I imagined him sitting on the floor with his hands over his ears crying "Stop the insanity!" while LO crawled around him laughing and screaming.  On Sunday night, I came back sure to be walking into disaster.  But that's not what I found at all.  There was no screaming.  Only music.  Foo Fighters, "Everlong."  I followed it into the living room and saw DH sitting in front of the TV rocking out, playing Guitar Hero with LO sitting next to him on her boppy watching the screen, transfixed.  Now that was funny.  LO swayed back and forth to the music like she does lately and squealed at the screen when the crowd roared.  She loves music and this was a double win for her because we don't let her watch TV (except for tennis and, apparently, Guitar Hero).  As soon as she saw me, she got distracted and the moment was gone.  

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