Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My New Push Cart!

We made a family outing to Ikea to get a desk for the house.  Ikea outings are always regrettable and this one was no different.  It was raining and crowded in Burbank and it took us way too long to get there.  Then LO needed a diaper change upon arrival.  Cut to fifteen minutes later all three of us waiting outside the family changing room waiting for it to become available.  We knocked, some frazzled mom yelled back and we gave up, opting for the more crowded bathroom area upstairs.  No mystery meatballs were consumed on this trip, thank God.  It's a last resort kind of thing where you're racing to get there, traffic takes forever and you don't have time to eat lunch and then you pass by the cafeteria and think why not?  If it's good enough for the Swedes...

We're suckers for the baby/kids section, where we found a cute little push cart.  LO is trying to walk, so this would be perfect for her to stretch her legs with.  You're supposed to put things in it and push them around, but LO spends copious amounts of time squeezing herself into it with and without toys.  She thinks it's hilarious when we push her around the house in it.  If only our stroller had been that inexpensive.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Ella did the same thing for awhile and now pushes it until she hits a person or object.
